Corona lockdown time: Diabetis control exercise

this is very hard time.we want to break the corona chain.this time we have to exercise more in home because corona have suspected if you go out this time.You have to walk more and more in home.You walk in home roof.You need to protect your feet and prevent developing blisters or sores. Get fitted for flat and flexible athletic shoes at the best running shoe store in your area. Avoid cotton socks and tube socks and choose diabetic shock made of sweat-wicking polyester fiber. You can use a treadmill for your walking workout. If you prefer to walk outside, you should look for a walking route where you can walk with few interruptions to cross street. Prepare for your walk with a few moves to get your body ready. Stand up. Loosen up your shoulders and neck with a few shrugs and shoulder circles. Loosen up your legs and hips by marching in place for a few seconds. Posture is very important to being able to walk fluidly at a brisk pace. Take a moment to get into the right w...